
Complaints management and whistleblowing system
Kurtz Ersa offers its employees, business partners (including their employees) and external third parties the option to report possible violations of the compliance requirements and the supply chain due diligence act. This way, our complaint management and whistleblower system contribute to limiting the consequences of such violations and preventing comparable misconduct in the future.
The electronic platform can be used to report indications of potential violations of legal provisions and internal regulations. This applies, for example, to suspicions of:
– Violation of human rights and social standards (e.g. Child- or forced labor)
– Environmental and occupational health and safety violations (e.g. in the context of
conflict minerals)
– Corruption (bribery and corruptibility, acceptance of advantages, and granting of benefits)
– Fraud
– Disloyalty, embezzlement, theft
– Money laundering
– Data breach or violation of information security
– Competition law violations
We use the software solution provided by Osapiens, which enables two ways for submitting complaints and reports:
- The confidential report:
Here you can create a mailbox and access all the information you have submitted by logging in, retrieve information for further processing and communicate with us. Your identity remains completely protected – if you use a pseudonym and refrain from entering any data that would allow conclusions to be drawn about you.
- The anonymous report:
After submitting your report, you will receive a code with which you can access your report. Additionally, you have the option here to receive feedback on further processing by entering the code and, optionally, contacting us. If you want to remain anonymous, please adhere to the security instructions outlined on the complaint page.
Regardless of the report you choose, we will always treat it confidentially. Whistleblowers are generally protected by law, provided that no intentionally false report has been made.
Kurtz Ersa - Code of Conduct
Our Code of Conduct applies not only to Kurtz Ersa as a globally active group, but also to our suppliers. We therefore commit ourselves to comply with all applicable laws and regulations as well as international and industry standards, and we also expect this from our suppliers.
Our business partners are also obliged to pass on this obligation to their contractual partners in their upstream supply and production chain.