Products THT Selective Soldering Systems VERSAFLOW 3/45
VERSAFLOW 3/45 - the most successful selective soldering machine worldwide

The first inline selective system
with double transport
Technology Highlights
- Highest throughput in the entire selective soldering market
- Most sold selective machine platform worldwide
- Safe process control with monitoring of all relevant parameters
- Full modularity – suitable for every customer requirement

Technical Data Inline
Selective Soldering Machine
Conveyor support
- Pin chain transport or roller transport
- PCB width: 63,5-508 mm
- PCB length: 127-508 mm
Flux / Preheat / Solder module
- Fluxer: Drop-Jet in different sizes
- Preheater: IR radiator heating, convection or combination of IR and convection
- Soldering module:
- Electromagnetic solder pot
- Mini-wave 13 kg with up to 6 pots
- Multi-wave soldering area up to 356 x 356 mm / 360 x 460 mm / 370 x 425 mm
- PCB size up to 406 x 508 mm